Wednesday, 30 March 2011


  • Collins, Douglas, The Story of Kodak, Harry N. Abrams Incorporated, New York, 1990

  • Ford, Colin, The Story of Popular Photography, Century Hutchinson Ltd, Great Britain, 1989

  • Ford, Colin and Steinorth, Karl, You Press the Button, We Do the Rest: The Birth of Snapshot Photography, Dirk Nishen Publishing, London, 1988

  • Hammond, John. H, The Cammera Obscura: A Chronicle, Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol, 1981

  • Wilgus, Jack and Beverly,, The Magic Mirror of Life and Appreciation of the Camera Obscura, 2004

Final presentation

Hi guys, i'm not sure who has the final presentation and is sending it to Chris, but I found that in a couple of my slides there is some info missing because of the black banner at the top. Could the person who is sending the final presentation just look at it for me and change the bits that are hidden to white please? Thank you :)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Tomorrows meet up

Just a quick post are we all still ok for meeting up at 11 tomorrow?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Thursday 24th

Hey Guys, as you will know, if you've check myUCA recently, that Thurday's lecture is cancelled. So I was thinking moving our meeting to the morning say about 10 ish? Let me know what you think...

Sunday, 20 March 2011

George Eastman Research

Hey 'Olympians', after having a quick look around, I found this article on George Eastman, we can get a good background on the guy from this article.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The next presentation....

Hi guys,
So, as we know we've got to do another presentation in about 3 weeks on a topic of our choice. Now I think we need to decide on what our subject will be asap and then stick to it so we don't waste too much time on that.

So I was thinking maybe art movement or specific artist.... or maybe something like the motor engine as that has revolutionised everything and can easily be brought forward and back in time...

Just some thoughts... let me know, I'm sure you'll all come up with something much better than me :)

Thursday, 3 March 2011

My Bibliography


A Gold Medal is Worth its Weight in Endorsements -
Campbell, J. Medals money 'poor' reward -

Ferguson, S. (2010) Marxist Theories of Sport: Nation, Commerce and Pleasure, 

Mackay, D. (2002) Chariots of ire: is US jingoism tarnishing the Olympic ideal?

Olympic Television fee rights -

St. Louis World's Fair -


World's fair St. Louis 1904 -

Berlin torch relay -

9/11 American flag carried by servicemen and women -

Snowboard cross -

Vancouver Luge Run -

US rights fees -


Highest Earning Olympic Athletes -

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Hi guys heres my bibliography...

Images: Munich DVD case, unknown creator, 2005 - Chariots of Fire DVD case, unknown creator, 1981 - Olympia DVD case, unknown creator, 1938 - Houlton- Deutsch Collection, Hitler watching the 1936 Olympic games , 1936. (From an article by Allan Hall, 2009, Did Hitler shake hands with black 1936 Olympic hero Jesse Owens?) - Image of Paul Joseph Goebbles, Nazi minister of propaganda, unknown date and photographer.
Film stills from ‘Olympia’, 1938, Leni Riefenstahl, [DVD] Germanys
Scanned images from Bach, Steven, Leni: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl, 2007, Great Britain

Online Journal:
Mackenzie, Michael, From Athens to Berlin: The 1936 Olympics and Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia, The university of Chicago Press, Vol 29, No. 2, Winter 2003

Robert C. Schneider and William F. Stier,, Leni Riefenstahls ‘Olympia’: Brillant Cinematography or Nazi Propaganda?, 2001 accessed 12/02/11
Unknown Author, 2011,,,1267862,00.html, accessed 12/02/11
Unknown Author, 2009,, accessed 12/02/11

Olympia, (1938) Directed by Leni Riefenstahl [DVD] Germany

Attwood, Philip, British Art Medals 1982-2002, Britsish Art Medal Trust, London, 2002
Bach, Steven, Leni: The Life and Work of Leni Riefenstahl, 2007, Great Britain
Girardi, Wolfgang, Olympic games, International Library, 1972, first edition, Great Britain
Riefenstahl, Leni, Olympia, Taschen, Koln, Germany, 2002, 3rd edition
Sports Book, The, DK Publishing, New York, USA, 2007